The Face That Rocked My World...

Meet my new son. Buddy. Dog number three. (In addition to our cat and hermit crab.)

I have no idea what came over me. Saturday my daughters and I went to a puppy store to look at pups. The next thing I knew we were sitting with this little Pug in our laps and the girls were begging to bring him home.

I started picturing Christmas morning, frantically opening a bunch of crappy toys that would end up in a Rubbermaid container in the basement when I decided to make an offer. 

"What if this dog was our only Christmas gift Our family gift?" They lit up, cheeks rosy, jumping up and down. Before I know it I was filling out paperwork and writing a check. "What's the matter Mommy? You don't look happy." My oldest daughter implored. "I AM happy!!" I said while my heart pounded in my chest. I was FREAKING out. But the deed was done.

On the car ride home I let my husband know that I already took care of all our Christmas shopping and that there would be a surprise waiting for him at the house. HE...WENT...BALLISTIC. I've never heard anything like it, and I seriously thought he was either going to have a heart attack or find me and strangle me. (Did I mention we already have 2 dogs and a cat?  Yeah I know I did but I thought I'd say it again.) 

Pure primal fear washed over me. I called the store to ask if I could return the dog. My kids screamed and the store refused to take him back. I was royally screwed.

I started calling friends and family members for advice. The typical response was, and I quote, "What the FUCK were you thinking?" I had no answer. I kind of pictured a movie moment where the Dad says "NO DOGS!" but once he sees the puppy his heart melts and he caves in. Then the whole family has a big group hug.  Real life doesn't always work out like a Disney movie.

Once my husband calmed down, he decided to use my impulsiveness and lack of judgment to his advantage. My daughters and I were all required to sign contracts promising everything from cooking dinner 4 times a week, to practicing multiplication tables daily.

He's also bossing us all around. I guess I deserve it.

Bottom line is, I have to kiss ass for the rest of my life.  The good news is, my kids are sooo happy.  But Mom's gonna pay.  BIG TIME.

To be continued...