Dirty Laundry

I have been doing my own laundry since 7th grade, which means I have 30 years of experience with the old "wash and fold."  

I've tried all different detergents and folding styles, and FINALLY I have perfected a formula for laundry that looks and smells FANTASTIC.

Since I like you, I'm going to share my that formula with you.  Trust me.  You're going to love this.

Here it is:

Liquid Tide   PLUS    Downy Fabric Softener in the washer

PLUS Bounce Sheets in the dryer


The FlipFold folding tool.

Equals:  Laundry Nirvana

I kid you not when I tell you that this baby is the coolest.  It folds my laundry to perfection.  Just flip, flip, flip and fold!!!  It's only $18.99 and worth every penny.
So there you have it.  

Who knew that reading my blog could change your life?  

Trust me. If you use my formula, your will find sheer happiness and bliss every time you open your dresser drawers.

No need to thank me.  I'm here to help.