This is Laura, reporting live from America's Future Now!: The Conference to Take America Forward. According to one Wade Henderson, one of the speakers, this conference is the heart of the progressive movement....... aaaaandddd, it only has approximately 700 people in attendance. Maybe the real progressives wised up and deliberately skipped out because most of the speeches have no real substance whatsoever. Instead of really delving into the issues, they just keep repeating the same old memes. Globalization bad. Corporate America bad. Change good. I'll post some more updates later, but here are the lessons I've learned so far:
1. "Nothing will supercede this: our main goal is to support the President's agenda."
2. The Civil Rights movement ended because conservatives shot MLK.
3. The only way for all the little people (aka NOT members of the intelligentsia) to make a difference is to form unions. Leave all informed discussion for the experts.