I never said I was perfect

I am learning that I should always go with my gut, you know, those little niggling feelings that this person isn't right, this isn't what you were looking for, first impressions are usually the right ones, and as Maya Angelou says "The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them." Why, oh why didn't I do that? I need this tattooed on my arm! I give second chances, which seems human, nice, the right thing to do, but when it happens over and over again and I get burned, I should learn from that. I should listen when other people give warnings. Shame on me. I apologize to those people that I did not listen too.

I also believe communication is a big thing, you have a problem with me, tell me. Deal with me.

If you don't agree with this, or you think it's aimed at you, remove me from your blog list, don't come here any more. Maybe while you're at it, remove MY pictures from your blog.