Forget Your Plans :)

Meet this sweet, humble and surely talented bedroom musician :)

Yay, the second album is out! :)
and it's FREE! download it here, right from his blog.
I'm a fan since I downloaded his first lovely album, QUIET DOWN (Oh, and thank youu so muchh for sending it, Mas Adhit! :D so sorry I'm too gaptek here hahaha). Juga satu lagu yang bikin 'jatuh cinta', Adelaide Sky, yang jadi soundtrack Kambing Jantan. You're gonna LOOOVE it. And finally, saya sekarang di rumah dan tidak sabar meluapkan apa yang pengen saya tulis tentang album ini. I'm enjoying every each note that flows in all the songs in this album, every songs here are special :)

1. Forget Jakarta
favorite part: how he sings soft but firmly pronounced "Forget Jakarta" not Jha'-khert-aa. Yes, he may forgetting Jakarta, but still not forgetting the Indonesian accents :) I love the reffrain.

2. After The Rain
Basically, semua lagunya mas Adhitia Sofyan memang selalu SANGAT cocok buat didenger di suasana mendung-mendung, hujan, ataupun habis hujan, dan bahkan didengerin di panas-panas siang bolong pun suasana langsung berubah jadi teduh & 'mendung' :) di lagu ini terdengar sedikit lebih riang dari lagu-lagu lain. Dan liriknya tetap, so sweet. (:

3. Carnival
"...So let me remember the shape of the evening
Cause when the day's over
who knows when I'll see you again." (:

4. Immortal Mellow
This is sooo Edward and Bella. Tapi walaupun saya ga suka Twilight, saya suka sekali lagu ini :) Reff-nya easy listening dan secara ngga sadar bisa ikut dinyanyikan walaupun pertama kali dengerin.

5. Gaze
The note in this song represents all the unexplained words and feelings. Salah satu 'keahlian' Mas Adhitia Sofyan adalah, bahkan sebelum dengerin liriknya, nadanya aja udah bisa menjelaskan, tentang apa lagu ini --like the way 'Blue Sky Collapse' do. (:

6. Dont Look Back
"Don't look back
You go full speed ahead now
While these walls
Freeze me back in time.."
Painful. But somehow still sounds sweet.

7. Secret
The whole song is bouncy and easy listening --The note, the lyrics, I love everything. And I love the word 'secret'. (:
"Leave your boring castle, run with me." Beautiful. (Mungkin di lagu ini ya yang tadinya berlirik 'I am walking'-nya Tak Gendong - Mbah Surip? hehe..)

8. The Stalker

"About the song : It’s great isn’t it that there are numerous social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter available in this romantic age? you can always have a look out on that special someone that doesn’t belong to you without having to leave your spot."

...THIS-IS-SO-TRUE. *sob* :") reminds me of my crush, how I stalked him for years, ..and enjoy being invisible, he doesn't even know I'm exist.

9. Dark Side
Buat yang belum pernah denger album sebelumnya, ya sedikit banyak seperti di lagu ini, laid back and catchy :)

10. Midnight
Sounds familiar and easy listening yet catchy, especially on the first verse. One of my favorite songs here. The intro reminds me of 'Memilihmu' di album pertama :)

11. In To The Light
Thoughtful lyric. The tune represents a sorrow, mellow situation, in it's own unique and quirky way.

12. Bandaged
Aaaa, last song :( Pertamanya terdengar asing, karena berbeda dari lagu-lagu lainnya, this one sounds heavier and more dramatic. But then I LOVE it so much, dan saya memang terobsesi sama Romeo & Juliet, denger lagu ini, entah kenapa saya langsung terbayang sebuah screenplay teater (plus the thunder effect, yes, sounds so theatrical). I love the lyric, the whole song.
"In you all I wanted,
In you everything
In to you I believe,
Everything will fall down in the end..."
Simple yet lovely :)

Believe me, you really have to download it. I don't really love mellow songs, but this one really works, haha :) And for the first album, Quiet Down, susah banget untuk memilih mana yang recommended. Try to listen Adelaide Sky (OST. Kambing Jantan), Blue Sky Collapse, Into You, Number One, Reality, ..but the rest of them are all GREAT. (:

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Setelah hijrah dari blog lama ke blog ini tahun kemarin, baru sekarang sempet masang hit counter. Jadi gue juga ga tau jumlah sebenernya berapa. Setelah kemarin tanya-tanya di twitter, Bang Raditya Dika berbaik hati ngasih tau :) Gue baru bikin account Google Analytics-nya, sekarang juga belom ngerti-ngerti banget (hiks), jadilah hit counter ini dimulai dari kemarin. And thanks for visiting ya, hayo jangan lupa balik lagi :)