I Googled it...and this is what I found:
Life in Colonial Times
Punishments for Kids
In colonial times teachers could punish their pupils badly. Sometimes a child would be punished by having to wear a card with an insult on it. For example, this child’s insult was “Bite Finger Baby” because he bit his finger or fingernails in class. Another punishment for students was having to sit at the back of the room where there was no heat because they were disruptive in class. If students were caught whispering in class they would get something called a whispering stick. A whispering stick was a round piece of wood which would get stuffed in a child’s mouth so it was hard to talk. A very serious punishment was when the teacher took a student outside and burned their ankles with a magnifying glass. Children in colonial times probably didn’t enjoy school as much as children today.
Mystery solved.
A long time ago I did, in fact, write a post about the school punishment in Colonial times, and now, if some child Googles it, he or she will find my blog. Perhaps that child will show it to his mother and she will enjoy it so much that she will follow my blog and click on my ads.
She will spread the word and tell all her friends who will do the same.
All my dreams will come true because a long, long, time ago, I wrote an educational post.
Ain't life grand?