Work Hard Play Hard ♥

RT @glennmars: "You know you love what you do when your Sunday nite feels like any other nite."

I do love my job, a lot. And I know it. (:

I'm mentioning 5 things I love the most, --music, films, fashion, writings, and photography. Routinity bore me, but these things, don't. I love getting threatened by my own targets, pursued by my own deadlines, and I enjoy staying awake doing anything in common with all the lovely things above till the next morning. I am a workaholic (then I let the people yell, 'OH-HOW-SAD'), and I can't help being soo perfectionist (for those who yelled louder 'AWFUL!' with any sympathetic stare, I said thank you.) But I feel like I've been so busy 'playing'.

Try to look the very normal side, just like today, this beautiful Sunday, or another weekends, or satnites, all the normal peoples spending their time doing what they love. See? I am sooo normal. Therefore, 'work hard play hard' works the other way. I don't need to play hard because I've been working hard, but I DO play hard all the time, and lucky me, it earns. Keep doing what you love, happy Sunday! :)


Anyway, sepertinya saya udah lupa kapan saya tidur di bawah jam 12 malem. Beberapa bulan yang lalu. Atau dari tahun-tahun kemarin. Berasa tinggal di belahan dunia lain. Yang lain tidur, gue ngerjain sesuatu. Rasanya dari beberapa tahun terakhir ini, saya tidur di bawah jam 12 itu waktu abis taun baru (setelah kemarinnya totally gak tidur seharian ngerayain taun baru dengan sleepover sama temen-temen, akhirnya di tanggal 1 Januari 2010 saya tidur jam 7 malam dan bangun jam 10 pagi) dan waktu beberapa hari yang lalu, gue berhasil tidur jam 10 malem , karena sumpah ngerjain PR matematika ternyata bener-bener obat tidur yang paling tepat.

Jadi, selama 3 hari ini gue tidur lebih 'pagi' dari biasanya (biasanya jam 2 pagi, sekarang lembur sedikit jadi jam 4 pagi haha -___-), gue membereskan blog butik gue yang sudah lama vakum, terlantar, dan berdebu.. templatenya sudah acak-acakan, post ngga pernah di-update, I'm the worst blogger ever. Jadi karena merasa bersalah, gue merapikan sekaligus melakukan perubahan yang cukup besar (dengan beberapa kesotoyan-kesotoyan sendiri, haha), SO HERE'S WHAT I'VE DONE AFTER 3 TIRING NIGHTS :)

Click click, visit my boutique's blog :)