
"Don't break, don't die. Happy 65th Freedom Day, my beloved nation
Stay unite. Stay alive."

(...Semoga tetap ingat punya Tuhan yang Maha Esa, yang selalu membela kapanpun dan tidak perlu dibela. Semoga berkemanusiaan, bisa adil dan beradab. Semoga tetap satu. Semoga pemimpinnya berhikmat dan bijaksana. Dan keadilan sosial buat semua rakyatnya. Semoga merdeka kreatifitasnya. Semoga benar-benar merdeka. Amin. Indonesia, you're such a beautiful mess. I love you. My pray's always be with you. Happy Birthday.)

(Indonesia's historical proclamation text of Independence)


Never heard anything about Indonesia? :) proudly say that Indonesia is a place of hundreds:
Exotic holiday destinations (beaches. mountains. waterfalls. craters. Ah, you name it. It's perfect for holiday, for just shopping, hitting beautiful beaches, or experiencing some extreme adventures, Indonesia is the place. :)
Unique & yummy foods!
Ethnic cultures & arts.
..and of course, exotic girls too. lol :)

Another facts, Indonesia has more than 17.000 islands (Indonesia is NOT anywhere in Bali. Bali is one of Indonesia's islands. Yea, one of 17.000 others. :p) which means there's lots and lots of ethnic groups, cultures, and languages.... OH well, just come here anytime for vacations. :)

PS: it's now 17 August 2010, 00.00 AM in Indonesia. I am so on time. :p