Behind the Blog: Michelle

[Just a another cloudy morning in Cambridge]
So, with Rococo and Caffeine growing as quickly as it has in the last few months I thought it would be a good idea to do some posts about who is behind R&C. So I decided to borrow The Pink and Blue Blog's 20 blogger questions as a quick way for all our lovely readers to get to know a bit more about me.

1. Blogging since...
January 2009.

2. Was there any event, incident or anecdote in your life that pushed you to start blogging?
Laura asked me if I was interested in starting a blog with and I certainly was in need of a creative outlet during my undergraduate years.

3. Did you follow any blog before creating yours?

I was a big follower of the well known style blogs like Sea of Shoes and Lulu and Your Mom before we started R&C.

4. Do your family and friends know about your blog?
My closest friends are a big part of this blog and are co-authors. My mom knows about the blog as well, but she isn't a regular reader.

5. Favorite time of the day to write posts?
Whenever I have some free time and want to de-stress. My blogging habits have definitely changed as a graduate student!
6. Longest hiatus between posts?
I can't think of something specific, but no doubt it was caused by schoolwork!

7. Have you set any goal about your blog? Anything you want to achieve with it?
Just to provide good content that reflects a wide range of personal interests.

8. Do you believe it has some kind of social function?
I really like being part of a community beyond our own, it still blows my mind that this blog has grown and now has international readers.

9. What would put an end to your blog? 
Can't really think of anything specific, but making the time for it is always a potential issue.

10. Do you have or consider having more than one blog?
I have a personal tumblr and that's it. I'm too busy now for anything but R&C!

11. You follow more a) personal blogs, b) news blogs, c) thematic blogs.
A mix, I like to keep things diverse and read lots of different things on fashion, interior design, jewelry making, and some personal blogs. A good variety keeps me from getting bored. 

12. You tell yourself you need to a) "post/comment less", b) "post/comment more", c) "post less, comment more", d) "post more, comment less".
 I am a big fan of commenting and I don't think anyone can comment too much!
13. Have you ever stepped back and delete things after posting?
I've definitely done my share of post-publishing edits. I tend to make really silly grammar and spelling mistakes when I write long posts.
14. Have you refused to publish any comment? Why?
No, luckily we've had no issue with people trolling or spam comments as of yet. As for censoring comments, I did a post about that a while back.

15. Has Twitter changed anything about your blogging habits?

Not particularly, it's helped me learn more about fellow bloggers though!
16. Has Facebook changed anything about your blogging habits?
Not really either, I've made a conscious effort of not wanting R&C to be a personal blog but rather an expression of my personal interests. I rather like my privacy, but don't mind if people I know personally read my blog. 

17. Do you ever wonder if you're disclosing too many personal details?
I try to separate my personal interests from my personal life on the blog because I enjoy complaining far too much and I don't think any of our readers would appreciate regular rants on graduate school!

18. Do you feel like a blog star?


19. Do you conceive blogging without the help of Google Images or Youtube?

It'd definitely make things more demanding on bloggers to create original content. Both Google Images and Youtube have changed online culture so much it's hard to imagine life without them!
20. Have you lied in this questionnaire?
Nope! I have no reason to!