Still alive and kicking

Just stressing, running errands, and not packing. I took a 2 hour break from procrastinating and went with Yolanda to Mt. Boucherie Winery to do a photo shoot of some award winning wine for an ad she's doing for the winery. She wouldn't let me take a picture of her rolling an empty wine barrel up a hill. I've seen the ad, and I think we made a pretty good team. I also got a very yummy cinnamon scone from Cobb's Bakery, that might need revisiting soon.
Karla came over and had to put up with Emily harassing me tonight. She's dog sitter #2. And she needed some Halloween tags made. I made her do the nasty cutting. Emily was making her hat for her Halloween costume. It's going to be so cute.
I went all by myself to the airport. I've lived here all my life and never have I driven to the airport by myself. Parking was scary, but I read the signs. I went to customs and was in and out before the time started on my parking pass. First 15 minutes is free. I got my camera and equipment all documented and it's one more thing crossed off my list.
The next big thing to do is the 'medic alert' bracelet. I didn't have time, forgot, to get the real ones, so we will get the generic ones and then get real ones when we get back. I considered a tattoo on my wrist, but then thought better of it.
Our list of things to buy is growing longer and longer!