Moses is commanded by G-d to “come” to Pharaoh and request the freedom of the Israelites. Why does the bible use this unusual language of “come” to Pharaoh? It would have made more sense to say “go” to Pharaoh?
One of the explanations, is that G-d is telling Moses and everyone who is inspired by this story the following:
In every generation and in everyone’s life, there is a Pharaoh who represents the Master of Slavery, the antithesis to the nature of a soul, which is freedom at all times. Slavery comes in the form of addictions and being trapped to unproductive habits and routines. Many times, a person feels ensnared and overwhelmed by the magnitude of having to challenge and face up to this pharaoh in his life. Therefore, G-d says, you are not “going” on your own, you are “coming” with me.
This is why the bible continues on, “for I have hardened his (pharaohs) heart”. The difficulties we encounter in life are not something that happens by itself outside the providence of G-d. Everything we come across in life is there because that’s what G-d has placed in our path, and we are with Him all the time. Since it is G-d who is the source of all, G-d who is all knowing placed those challenges in our path. He knows we have the strength to overcome and address the hardships and difficulties together with his G-dly given strength.
Faith is a very interesting faculty of the soul. Just like we can think logically, speak and listen, we also have a gift and ability to have faith, to believe and have trust in the creator who put us here in this world and placed us on a mission.
The Talmud says, a thief prays to G-d that he should be successful. Now, if he really believes in an all seeing and all powerful G-d, how can he slap this G-d in the face by asking him for help against his own wishes?? The answer is, that faith, is not internalized on its own. We can believe, and many times it does not influence or impact our behavior and actions, and we actually act in ways that are counter to our very own very real, faith.
In the holy book the Tanya the author writes, “Everything is absolutely good, it is just not understood, and with this faith truly, everything becomes good in an open way”.
The author is saying the following. Since faith can sometimes be detached from reality, if a person truly believes everything is good, even in the midst of what appears as obstacles and great hardships, and this shows on his stress level and the way he is behaving: calm, composed, tranquil, or angry, and anxious. Then if he really has this faith that everything is actually good, this faith has the power to transform, adjust the conditions of the situation, and make it the positive experience it really is meant to be.
This kind of faith is possible in everyone, by being nurtured and fed on a constant basis. No one expects to run a marathon because they just decided to do so, and no one can lift two or three times their weight because they decided. But, if a person puts his mind to it the potential is there, if it’s important enough.
Faith is the cornerstone and foundation for a solid life. If you put in the effort, you are guaranteed the kind of faith that not only weathers any and all kinds of hardships, but even further, your faith can and will change circumstances so the negative disappears and only the good is enjoyed.