Don't Look Back

She & Him's newest music video. :) Currently listening nonstop to She & Him. I hate their "Oh-So-True" lyrics. I hate paying attention to every words in the song with this strange feeling lately. I hate repeating the songs thousand times this week. I hate realizing that my story lately is undergoing what's in their lyric. I'm tired to read signs, make choices about everything, make a bet about anything, every little things. All of these have just been so absurd. Misty. I hate using the word "maybe", I hate being insecure. I can't even choose to use intuition when the fact is far away too contradicted. Like walking in somewhere you don't know with no lights on. It's too dark you can't see anything, while all you hear seems like something you just can't believe in. This is how you could feel good and not at the same time. This is where being optimistic feels stupid, while I have no clue to see through realistic side, and being pessimistic is the only way. The less I expect, the lest it hurts. Oh well. Why the hell am I walking into that place anyway. Should have stop walking. Should have turned away and looking for anywhere brighter, clearer. Need some lights. Head vs heart thing sucks.