Burial, Baby, Burger

 We put Grandpa's ashes in the ground this weekend. We were all dressed half decent so I made everyone pose for a family photo. Too bad I jumped in at the last minute in front of Kerry!

 I took pictures of just about every thing on the weekend. The urn.
 The grandparents!
 The cousin that stepped up to put the urn in the ground.
 The family, most of it.
 The deer that was watching and snacking during the burial. It was very spiritual.
 After the burial, we had a bbq and then a baby shower for Adyson.
 I could hold her all day.
 But when I wasn't, other people were.
 Everyone wanted to hold her.
Even these two! One of which said "She's not that bad for a baby."
And on Father's Day after the car show, I made the daddy of all burgers! 2 types of cheese, dill garlic mustard, garlic chile aioli, bacon and onion rings! Delish!