Looks like a walrus...sounds like a walrus...

The ironic thing is, I have grown out of my Walrus Threadless T-Shirt. Slim fit small women's T's are no longer an option as I'm scouring Aiden's (extensive) T-Shirt collection for daily attire.

Interestingly enough, in addition to starting to resemble a walrus I also have begun to sound like one with the move into our new house being fraught with allergies that rapidly evolved into a barking cough. Yes, although I am not too sure what a walrus sounds like, if it's anything like a seal ('arrp arrp') then I sound like a walrus too.

But alas, the move was not too stressful (once the dust settled and I stopped sneezing with the aid of some hefty pharmaceuticals) and now it's bliss, our own house again. Well overdue! Renting, but we are still incredibly grateful to be a married couple by ourselves again. Sharing a house when you're married and previously pretty settled is not the greatest idea, though it was financially a good move.

More to life than finances though!

Riding has been pretty noneventful: last week I was on a 5-day driving course at Mt Cotton and it was all day every day. A real pain in the arse really, despite it being incredibly helpful and interesting, as Mt Cotton is ages away and there were a few 10 hour days. Have one assessment left to complete and I am ready to hit the road, lights and sirens.

This week I have done a couple of rides but this lurgy thing is really restrictive Don't like being housebound. Driving. Me. Mad! On the plus side, being our own house I am pretty happy to organise, clean and dare I say even bake?

Maybe I shouldn't talk too soon.