I really hope I don't have an overdue baby. An overdue baby would make me miserable for the duration of the overdue-ness.
It's still ten weeks until the due date, making me 7 months pregnant in some calenders. I don't really know how there are so many different ways of working out the 'months pregnant' but if i'm 7 now, then I only have 2 weeks of being 9 months pregnant. Alternatively, I could be just under 7 and hit 9 months at term. Who knows? Minor details but it's scary that it's really just over 2 months (optimally) till she's here!
Have been reading books in the modified downward dog and cat stretch position in the hope that she finds an anterior position really comfortable, posterior births are supposed to be harrowing (but...I am sure that's the case with many births, not just posterior babies!), and breech babies can be risky and difficult to deliver naturally. If I do all I can in the lead up, and Mayhem is posterior or breech, then at least I can say I tried everything!
Riding is slow and now my rides max out at an hour and a half. My knees poke out a bit (even though I am not huge there's a bump there...and I feel MASSIVE!). Chance of rain for the next month is high every single day, so I think I'll be giving the Bad Boy a work out on the wind trainer. Boo!
First Antenatal class was last week, Aido liked it I think. It's quite informative of stages of labour etc. Having studied it with Paramedics it's perhaps less enlightening but good to go. Not sure how preggers the other Birth Centre ladies were, but they had much better bumps! At least I have a bump now, and don't just look like a puffier version of myself. Win! Now all I have to do is make sure that the bump size doesn't spiral out of control while I make sure Mayhem is growing nicely! She's just sticking out like a torpedo, low. I wonder if she'll just keep on growing low and outwards, or if she'll get a little less torpedo like and creep up a bit more!