Less celestial, more sleep deprived.

Babies don't really take to routine when they're so little. This sucks. Babies are on 24hr time, and while Elv is kind of figuring out nighttime from day, she's no expert in circadian rhythms yet, so I often find myself falling asleep—or alternatively bawling my eyes out—on the couch in the wee hours of the morning while she's going 'Eh....Eh' with eyes like dinnerplates.

I am sure this would be more than tolerable should she sleep longer than 2 hours. She feeds three hourly, (two hourly in the wee hours...grrr) so Feed, change, feed, get her to sleep is an hour on a good run, longer if she's partying, then I get maybe two hours if I'm lucky before we do it all again. Two hourly is the worst, because you hardly hit the pillow and she's up again. She's nice and porky and I wouldn't be surprised if the 2 hourly morning stints are more needy-for-cuddles wake-ups.

The frustrating this is that you can out her in bed during the day when she's awake and she will sleep but whoa nelly—don't try that shit at night!

Nights are the times when you question why you had a kid in the first place. I can remember why—I drank too much wine during Le Tour 2011. But even happy accidents can be storm clouds at night, while being little rays of sunshine during the day. Somehow you make it through, then you spend the afternoon is a dozy haze dreading the four or so feeds the next night.

I live for the me time, and i'll be honest, some days i'm over the moon (most likely caffeine induced) and other days I struggle to get the washing done.

Riding makes it better and worse. Better because I can throw the junk out of my min and feel refreshed mentally. Worse as I struggle with the fatigue—some rides are just creep-fests in lycra.

Managed a hurt-fest on the wind trainer this morning. Didn't think I was doing that well because I wasn't in the gear I was accustomed to when doing efforts, despite feeling like I needed a bucket and pooling sweat on the cement under the bike. Then I got off and was seeing stars and could hardly walk in a straight line. Then I thought—"good effort on f*cking yourself, maybe one day i'll even gain some proper fitness back".

It will be nice when I get some zing in my legs back again, but I have a funny feeling nothing's going to be fabulous with my fitness until I get a few proper hours of sleep per night—even 2x3hours sleep would be nice, Elv!