Remember that the new password must fulfill these requirements:
- The password must be exactly 8 characters long.
- It must contain at least one letter, one number, and one special character.
- The only special characters allowed are: @ # $
- A special character must not be located in the first or last position.
- Two of the same characters sitting next to each other are considered to be a “set.” No “sets” are allowed.
- Avoid using names, such as your name, user ID, or the name of your company or employer.
- Other words that cannot be used are Texas, child, and the months of the year.
- A new password cannot be too similar to the previous password.
- Example: previous password - abc#1234, acceptable new password - acb$1243
- Characters in the first, second, and third positions cannot be identical. (abc*****)
- Characters in the second, third, and fourth positions cannot be identical. (*bc#****)
- Characters in the sixth, seventh, and eighth positions cannot be identical. (*****234)
- A password can be changed voluntarily (no Help Desk assistance needed) once in a 15-day period. If needed, the Help Desk can reset the password at any time.
- The previous 8 passwords cannot be reused.