My blog has fallen...

And it can't get up!!!

I just took a little cruise over to Google Analytics and the numbers are not looking good.

The economy has tanked, and so has my blog traffic. It's down 39% in the past month. Shameful!

Here are the numbers:

In the past months I've had:

3,064 visits
4,113 page views

I'm not motivated enough to report my former stats, but let's just say, they were a HELL of alot higher than this a few months ago.

There you go, I told you my deepest darkest blog secret. Is that tacky? I'm not sure what the etiquette is on this one. Is it rude to ask someone to reveal their blog stats? Is it as tasteless as asking someone how much they make a year, or how much they weigh?

Maybe I'm tacky, but I'm going to put it out there.

Let's share numbers.

What do yours look like?

Are my numbers "normal" or should I be mortified?

Is your blog thriving, or tanking?

This might be just the wake up call I need to put a little more effort into my little blog.

Oh, and yes, I know this picture is in poor taste. Get over it.