How good are weekends?

It's a rhetorical question really, no need for evaluation. It is a truth universally acknowledged that a weekend is awesome. Working on your weekend is less awesome, but small concessions have to occasionally be made to pay the rent.

Sunday we decided to ride up to Twin Waters via Maleney/Montville/Mapleton. It was a fun circa 150km with only one pin-in-the-arse berg up from Landsborough, at 10% for 4km. I don't really know why they put percentage gradient signs up. It just plays fruit loops with your head!

It is long and mostly straight, and mostly exposed. I found an arial pic of the Lansborough-Maleny rd, however riding up this road, it seemed like there were far fewer trees!

For a more detailed map of the weekend, please see map below*:

Nothing better than mum's home-made spinach pie after 5 hours sweating and chewing Uncle Toby's decay-easy bars. Mmm...

*not to scale