Rage in a Bottle

As you know, I am really into caffeinated beverages. I've been trying to cut down on my aspartame consumption and have been doing very well with limiting my Diet Coke intake. (Although I miss it...ALOT)

Last week I was at CVS checking out all the fabulous deals to be had with my ExtraCare card when I came across the energy drink section.

There was a two for one special on 5-hour Energy liquid energy shot. I looked at the box and I was intrigued. Hours of energy now!! No crash later!!! Sugar Free!!! Feel it in minutes...lasts for hours!!


I wanted in on the action, so I threw some bottles in my cart and beelined it to checkout.

When I got in the car, I ripped open the bottle and chugged it.

Holy hell!!! I felt like the Incredible Hulk. My skin was flushed, I was breathing heavily, like I was on cocaine, or speed, and my body got hot.

What the heck!!! I looked at the box again..."You may experience a Niacin flush (hot feeling, skin redness) that lasts a few minutes. "

A few minutes? Try a few hours. No lie, for 6 hours I was on edge, ready to pounce, and I could not sit still. I hated it. There are 3 more bottles of that demon liquid in my fridge. If you like the stuff, send me an e-mail and I'll FedEx it to you PRONTO. Just don't sue me when you start throwing furniture around the room and growling a people.

On a similar note, my sister's 13 year old stepson brought a Red Bull to school to drink with lunch. When one of the teacher's noticed it she took it away from him. My sister's stepson was outraged. (Do you see a pattern here?) His Mom had printed out a copy of the school rules for him to keep handy in order to disrespect authority figures, and nowhere in the rules did it mention that Red Bull is forbidden at lunch.

After school his Mom called the school to complain that her son not had been singled out for drinking a Red Bull. She was proud of her son for sticking up for himself and not letting "the man" boss him around.

WHATEVER!!! That woman is every teacher's nightmare. (Lot's of blog material here...maybe I'll have my sister write a few posts about her...she's nuts!! Certifiably crazy.) But back to the topic...

I agree with the school, especially after I have felt the effects of one of these energy drinks. There is no way I would be able to sit still and focus after drinking one. I don't think kids in middle school should be permitted to drink them. That's my opinion and I'm sticking with it.

Here is an article I found that elaborates on the subject. Feel free to click on the link, but make sure you come back and tell me what you think.

Do you drink high powered energy drinks? Do you let your kids? If you do drink them, do you pour some vodka into it, so you can be a high powered drunk? (That's the hottest trend you know!)

That's all I've got. I look forward to your input.