I knew that if I found a neoprene laptop carrier, I could figure out how to make it into a "shootsac". I would love an original shootsac but can't afford the $180 plus price tag. To buy a piece of neoprene would have cost an arm and a leg and you can't get it locally. So I ran around town to at least 5 places looking for a carrier. I had seem them at Walmart for about $14 but they didn't have them anymore and it was just as well, they were bright blue. Zellers had a yellow Winnie-the-Pooh one, but it was $40. So I ended up at Office Depot. They didn't have any either but then I remember my neighbour, Karla, said I should check the deals in the Clearance section and low and behold there was a laptop carrier on the top shelf. But it wasn't labeled and didn't have any tags attached, they were ripped off and stuffed in the bag. The cashier asked the manager, and he looked it up, he came back and said he couldn't find a price, just give me $10. So I did. Best thing, the bag come with 3 different coloured straps, grey, green, and orange. It would have cost me at least $10 for the wide strapping and the buckles.
Here is the before picture with the grey strap...
I ran into Fabricland, picked up the velcro, and there was a scrap piece of foam on the table and it was 1/2 a meter, and it was on for 1/2 price, so for under $5 I got the rest of the stuff to make my bag. I had Amy Butler fabric at home to match my camera strap.
This is the inside, not the best picture. I made padded inserts, removable, for my lenses.
This is the outside with green strap. I made the cover, added a large velcro strip to it and the pocket and it's removable too, so I can wash it or make a new one when I get sick of this one.
So there it is, for under $20. It took me less than 2 hours to make it. I'm pretty impressed with myself, if I do say so!