I know you've been waiting for the results of my tennis match with baited breath, and you'll be thrilled to know that my partner and I won. We did it in three hours and 15 minutes - and in three sets, but we did manage to triumph. I am so f-in sunburned. Stupid me. Didn't feel like putting on sunblock.
I'm not sure if we're in first place yet. Since I know you are sooo interested in my tennis team status, I'll be sure to tell you the minute I find out.
In the meantime, I am preparing to drive to the end of the New Jersey Turnpike, pick up my niece from my sister and head back. I won't be back until midnight. Think of me, cruising the highways of Jersey, while you sit on your nice cozy couch reading your blogs.
P.S. The match we played was at an AWESOME yacht club. Talk about WASPY. You preppy gals would have loved it...hell I loved it. Gorgeous clay courts, hydrangea, everyone in white. So gentile. Usually my team plays at a local high school. I love it when the fancy clubs let the riff raff in.