
It's raining, which is surely a hint that I, too, am a little under the weather.

As probably mentioned several times before, I don't bode well with rain—it makes me cold, gives me sniffles and most importantly, it stops me from doing the shit I want to do. And worse still, it's not just raining, but pouring with psychotic cyclonic winds as well! Even running to work in my snazzy rain jacket can't be done because I will inevitably be blown onto the road and die.

If I do a wind trainer, which surely seems to be the only remaining, sad, sad option, I will suffee a bit of brain-vegetablism that is so common on the trainer, but hey—at least it means you've done somthing.

Something else terrible has happened here, as well. We have run out of chai tea. So I am here drinking the lasy cup of chai tea that I can EVER make, until I get some new tea, and it's RAINING!

This is what the delightful weather-man has in store:

Showers Fri
H 26°C
L 21°C

Showers Sat
H 27°C
L 21°C

Showers Sun
H 28°C
L 21°C

Showers Mon
H 27°C
L 20°C

Weather man makes me angry