Mountain biking/hiking/photography

2 days in a row, I have gotten up before 7 am and said "Kerry, let's go get some pictures!" and we have hiked up Crawford, in different areas so that I could practice taking pictures. I'm sore. I've been packing my tripod, flash, 2 lenses, camera, and snacks in my back pack, I'm sure it's over 20 lbs. of stuff. Both days have been many hours of walking, Day 2 was lots of up hill, steep down hill. But I made it without sliding down any of those hills.

Day 1: overcast, mosquitos, long hike in, but flat. Dark, forested area with small pockets of light. 177 pictures, about 110 less than stellar shots, like the following. Dark, grainy.
Day 2: sunny, no mosquitos, over dressed. Bright, burned out area so there are no trees with branches, just charred tree trunks. No shade, no shadows, still working on the action shots. 275 shots, 175 decent/not to shabby if I do say so myself. I'm shooting in AV mode, and am thinking that I have to switch out of it for some of the action shots. I've tried panning but I haven't quite got the hang of it.

The blurry action shots.

The nothing special action shot.

The arrow was cut by my dad and his chain saw.

Linus drinking from Kerry's Camelback. The nice picture.

The not-so-nice picture. Love the water droplets, dislike the werewolf-like teeth.The best shot. When I was a baby, my parents got me this Winnie the Pooh, he's at least 3 feet tall. Last year, my mom wanted to throw him out. My dad had better plans for him. He's a little shy. He used to have a red shirt on, but it's long gone and no one likes hanging in a tree naked. He belongs here...see, Teddy Bear Junction.
The boys, after the ride, hanging out in the back of the truck having a drink.

All photos are SOOC.