In my genes

So now that I'm officially class 'funny person' (clown probably isn't politically correct, and I don't like clowns) in the Photographers' Workshop, my sense of humour gets discussed more often.
Last night's topic ... Where did it come from?
Kerry says it's the Japanese in me. To which I reply, "have you ever seen an Asian stand-up comedian?" he said no, but Yolanda said "Margret Cho". Okay, she's Chinese, and some guy that I saw on tv once did a funny set about aliens, he was funny! So 2 people. That's it. Then I said "maybe it's the Native in me?" and we did some more thinking. Nothing, except that guy on Corner Gas, Lorne Cardinal, he's funny. And then I said there were lots of Caucasian comedians, and holy crap, Kerry, I'm part white!