Hey Y'all

Yep. Get used to it. I know this is a classy joint, here at rococoandcaffeine, but hey I know these ladies. I got my “Class Pass” so to speak.

First, I feel I should introduce myself, as well as my new role here. I am a 23 year old post-college grad hoping to pursue grown-up ambitions and to catch-up with/make my juvenile dreams come true. I magically came into the good fortune of calling all the ladies affiliated with this blog my friends, actually, make that my best friends. I also love my family very much. I also love people, music, art, performance art, fashion. (Go figure, you’re reading this, you see the context.) More importantly, I love being young and ridiculous. I plan to stay that way for a while. That being said, something must be said to the fact that I am surrounded by fabulously and equally ridiculous people. I mean this in an endearing sense. If you know me personally, you know I love to tell bizarre stories to everyone. I’m not that special, but I’m constantly amazed at all the strange, beautiful, and hilarious shenanigans that seem to happen around me. The ladies of this blog, and a few select individuals, have experienced these instances with me and know that the best aspect to them is what they teach everyone involved. Trust me, they’ve taught me more than any book or school has.

One such individual that has influenced me is my grandmother, Nanny. Nanny (Shirley actually, but she’s always Nanny to me) is fabulous. She’s probably been my biggest influence in terms of style and lifestyle. She’s platinum blonde, dripping in diamonds, and drinks scotch because it’s “on the South Beach Diet.” Needless to say, she’s a self-made woman, still works at her own business five days a week, and parties like a rockstar when she feels like it. Though she seems absurd, she’s as legit as they come, and as real as can be. One of the greatest bits of advice she preached to me as a wide-eyed, 16 year old was “Don’t ever settle; whether it’s with a man, or buying dinner. If you want the fillet mignon, don’t ever get the damn New York strip.” I’ve tried to apply that to my life in every way. In some ways, I might have failed. However, I'm pretty good at recovering.

To be quite frank, I don’t date. It’s not that I don’t want to; I just don’t get the opportunity. That’s ok. I think of it as I’m still waiting for a guy that I don’t have to settle for. And as sappy as it sounds, I know he’s out there.

So, the long and the short of it is that I wish to inform you all on what really counts in life: One’s relationships with others and themselves…but from my perspective. Don’t misinterpret my words as me trying to tell everyone how to date and live, I’m just giving you my view, and filling in with personal accounts of the quirky, everyday events I run into. I’m not an expert, but as a permanent resident of Just Friendsville and owner of prime real estate in Broken Heartsville, I just want people to discover one thing: we all live in both those towns at some point. And like any neighborhood, it’s all about who’s on your street.

Stick with me; we’re not as weird and awkward as we think. Oh, and I like shoes and shiny things. Plus, Laura has told me glitter and fabulousness are my specialty. They’ll be included as well.