I watch TV

I like to watch TV in the evening with Kerry and when I scrapbook. But because I've been so busy with classes, I have missed 79% of the season premieres that I normally would watch. Sure, I could say "Oh, well, it's just TV." But for me it's not. It's my downtime, it's my couple time, it's my crafty time. And sadly, sometimes it's my nap time.
So this morning I called Shaw and when the guy asked "What can I do for you?" I said "I missed all my good TV this week!" and he said he could help me with that.
You see, we have a machine called a VCR, some of you more mature readers might remember these machines. For whatever reason, ours won't work with the digital box and so I can't record anything anymore. It's been a tough 2 weeks.
I have missed...Criminal Minds, Big Bang Theory, Grey's Anatomy, 30 Rock, 1/2 of the Office, part of Glee, part of Community, and part of CSI. I missed Betty White on SNL, and on just about every other decent show, also part of Joaquin Phoenix on David Letterman and this was important to me because I saw him the first time and nearly cried about him retiring from acting.
It's my life, go ahead and judge me, I'll just change the channel.

I'm removing the digital modem boxy thing by myself, I'm driving, by myself to Shaw. I'm picking up the magical new box and hopefully installing it myself. And if all goes well, I won't miss Young and the Restless.