Wednesday Wonderful

I used the most recent Papercrafts magazine for inspiration yesterday and made a bunch of cards.I love the new Designer Series pads of paper.

Wonderful LaRae had another draw for a Hufa lens cap holder. Who thinks of these things? Some smart person that has lost their cap one to many times I think. I don't lose them, I sit on them and break them. This baby clips to your strap and holds the lens cap in place, providing you remember to clip in on the holder.I snapped a few shots of Linus in the yard. This one is SOOC.
I had a mini shoot with this guy today. He really wanted nothing to do with me. That's okay, I still got a bunch of shots of him being elusive.
And a couple more from the wedding.
He's waiting for her, they hadn't seen each other. And they weren't married yet, that came after.