Best of 2010

I am glad to say that I spent the first day of the new year with most of the people I care about. I think that is the most important thing about new year's day, and any day throughout the year.

However, I am going to talk about something less sentimental and more superficial. I am a very systematic shopper and I like to think about things before I buy them even if for a few hours or a day, thinking before I buy saves me a lot of money. That being said, I want to show you all the things I purchased with no buyers remorse what so ever. So here is the very first annual: The Best Things I Bought Last Year! These are things I have bought and used almost daily. Things that have made my day better, and maybe might make your day better too!

1. The Test Kitchen's Healthy Family Cook Book and Baking Book. Alright, this is two things, but they fall into the same category. I have never been good at baking. Or cooking. Or washing the dishes. Basically, good at really anything involving the kitchen. I have always wanted to learn, and I can truly say, these books changed the way I cook for the better. Meaning the food is eatable, and sometimes even good. I prefer the Healthy cook book over the regular one because it tells you about serving sizes and gives you TONS of healthy solutions to cooking. As for the baking, I would not be able to make pie the way I do without this book. Also, many of the recipes seen on my other blog, CrafTay!, come from these books.

2. Nook. I love to read. I may not read the most earth changing, people moving books, but I love to read. I have never had a Kindle, or much interaction with one, so I cannot really offer an unbiased opinion if the Nook is actually superior to it or not, but I think it is. I love the concept, when I need a new book, I just go to my nook or computer and download one. The fact that it is very environmentally friendly as well also excites me.

3. Singer Sewing Machine. Partial inspiration for CrafTay! as well. I bought this when I was recovering my dining room chairs. Since then, it has been used many, many, many times for various projects, clothing and a number of repairs. I had been wanting to learn to sew and I am so very glad that I took the time this year to do so. I know every one is not a natural born seamstress, but maybe this year you will take time to learn to do something you have always wanted to do weather it be sewing or tap dancing.

4. Tarte Natural Lip Stain. It is no secret I love make up, but one thing I have always struggled with is lip color. I bought the matte lip stain after reading about 100 positive reviews in various places and I am so glad I did. These colors are all fantastic. The matte is more opaque than the glossy kind but both are good choices depending on the look you want. I have Enchanted in the gloss version and Envy in the matte version.

5. Kate Spade China. I talked about this China when I first told you all about my apartment. Just last week I was talking with one of R&C's other contributors about her china and it evoked the emotions I have about my china again. I have said in the past that I love dinnerware, but I especially love mine. I have also said that it is important to love things that you will have for years. I have loved this pattern since I was 14, I turn 24 tomorrow, that is commitment. I bought it at a premium price because it is discontinued. I do not regret one penny that I spent on it. That being said, when picking out things you will have for a long time, make sure you love them, and do not be afraid to spend a little extra on what you really want. You won't regret it.

I hope you can make a list too of things you are happy to have in your life. More importantly, I hope you can make a list of people in your life that you are glad to have in your life this new year as well as last year. Happy new year!