The five types of personal tests.

Rabbi Y. Yitzchak once said, “The mere fact that G-d places us in a situation, to face particular challenges, tells us, that He has given us the strength to overcome, all the obstacles that stand in our path”

The Midrash gives the following illustration. “When a producer of flax and linen strikes and pounds the flax, he does it carefully so as not to ruin the product. When he feels that the material is sturdier and he is secure that it will not break or splinter under the pressure, he hits it stronger to draw out the better quality fabric that lies within. The same is also in regards to G-d. He does not test and challenge the wicked because he knows, they can not withstand the pressure and they would crack. However the righteous, who have a stronger core, a superior and better essence to offer, these are the ones who are tested, as it is written in the book of Psalms, “G-d tests the righteous.”

We have here a very clear understanding. Challenges are presented to people for their, own good. When G-d wants to provide merit to a person and help him, reveal his inner better and superior core, that is when the person is put through a test.

If you where to go to a Doctor in whom you have full trust, and he where to put you through some procedure of pain and difficulty, knowing that it is all for your own good, to improve your current situation, you welcome the opportunity. You accept and you open your arms to the chance granted, to recover and become better off through this experience, than you are at this present moment.

According to the Bible, all of life, is a constant tug of war. On the one hand, to do what G-d expects of us, and enjoy life through His blessings, and on the other hand, the temptations and weaknesses, that pull us down, in the opposite direction. There are five tests the Bible speaks of.

There is the test of self sacrifice. No matter what happens, or what anyone says or threatens, to do to me, I am completely and totally dedicated to the proper G-dly morals and values, with all my body and soul.

The next type of challenge and test, is to accept all types of life happenings, even the difficult ones, in love. I don’t complain about my circumstances. My faith in G-d is so strong that I accept everything in love.

The third type of test. When life is abundant and I am feeling real good and healthy, I am successful financially, personally, do I still remember G-d, and not only keep up with my commitments, but increase them in gratitude to G-d, for entrusting me with all those blessings.

The fourth type of challenge is a most difficult one to overcome. Our sages tell us, “who is strong, the one who overcomes his inner temptations.” When faced with a strong desire in opposition to what’s right in life, the wishes of G-d, how often and how quick am I, to ignore the lure and enticement pulling me to do, what I know, is wrong.

The fifth type of test. When things go wrong, life is not as I would like and not as I expected, does it weaken my faith. Is my confidence and conviction, that all that happens is from G-d, and for my good, undermined and destabilized?

Life’s tests are very difficult. The Bible acknowledges that. They are thorny and not easy, not just mentally and emotionally, but as well physically. Many times, it will, exact a high price on us. However, once we draw the inner strength to overcome, and we look back, we see how much better we have truly become. Always. Not only that, the satisfaction, strength, confidence and self esteem that comes as a result, doesn't compare, to the fleeting and transitory hardship it took, to triumph over the challenge.