At least Eleanor J seems to think so. I like their safety aspect, and sure, they're a lot more styley these days than the stackhats of the 80's (unless you love the 80's, which I do, but any remaining stackhat from that era surely has absolutely no safety features remaining whatsoever). Anyway, regardless of my helmet stance—functional and good if well ventilated—the lovely Eleanor of
Helmets are Hot fame asked me to guest post about
riding while pregnant, including an incredibly daggy picture of me from several years ago (note the distinct lack of bags around the eyes then!). Follow the highlighted bit to travel far yonder to E's HRH blog and check out the Q and A.
Furthermore, I have a sweet article for anyone interested in the upcoming
Enduro Mag, and the print publication should be hitting newsagency shelves shortly!
Furthermore, Aido and I managed a wicked couples SS ride on the weekend. Don't worry, we got the olds to look after Elva, we didn't, like, leave her at home all alone.
Half of the coupes ride...sorry for the cleavage shot. I have to run my jersey that way (it won't go over my boobs...) |
Anyway, Elv is now 5 weeks. Last night we had the FIRST night in which she slept for more than 2 hours consecultively.
Cloth bottomed baby! So cute...when she sleeps more tan 2 consecutive hours! |