Hey I almost forgot!!

Today is my 2 year blogoversary.

In honor of this momentous occasion I thought I'd do a little video montage of "very special" Caffeine Court moments. Unfortunately this is a blog, so that's not possible.

Then I thought it would be fun to get all my blog friends together and drink gallons of margaritas. I could get really wasted and throw up in a sombrero. That would be awesome. But it ain't gonna happen.

Another idea would be to post some links to my favorite blog posts over the past few years. That would require time and effort, and I really don't feel like doing it, so screw that idea.

My final idea was to set up a really fun political debate, to make my blog somehow "relevant." Unfortunately, whenever I get fired up politically all the BlogHer chicks think I'm a neanderthal, uneducated, redneck. I don't want to tick anyone off, on my special day, so I'll postpone my next political post for another day.

So, I'll keep it simple. If you're reading this, it means you actually took a moment of your day to look at my blog. I consider that an honor.

If you feel like this post just isn't enough, and you'd like to send me an blogeoversary gift, I'm registered at Williams-Sonoma and Tiffany's under Caffeine Court.

Love ya.