Pink and Green Thursday: Macarons!

Sometimes it's the little things that really make your day. On Saturday, I was helping my boyfriend shop for groceries at Georgetown's Safeway when I saw macarons on sale. Jeremy said I could get some, but I didn't want to abuse his generosity. So, I picked two. Pink and Green. Obviously.

After putting the groceries away, I decided to take a picture before eating the macarons. I've never seen them on sale in a normal grocery store, so I thought it'd be kind of fun to memorialize the event.

It turned into 2 pictures. And then some more.

It was fun messing with the camera settings and ways to present the macarons. This is with the flash off.

I'm always stressed about my studies and work, so just spending time doing something simple was very enjoyable.

And I had to get a picture of Jeremy! It was very nice of him to buy me a little treat. I let him have the green one, which I think was pistachio. The pink one was raspberry.

Next time I get macarons, I'll have to wear these puppies that I picked in 2009 to go with the color scheme!