'Decode' featuring CDC, photo courtesy of Aldo Sinarta :)

...Last night was insane. Here are a few tweets I found about ParamoreNite :)

@annhalvorsen: woah Paramore Nite was freaking awesome!
@Audrio: @paramoreINA @ParamoreNite congrats and thanks guys for one hell of a show! Paramore Nite was wayyyy awesome! :D
@RRASZTAtoARMS: Paramore Nite was crazy!!!! I had a lot of fun. Plus, I know something you don't know ;p
@elsa_sknybtch9: @yelyahwilliams : Jakarta, Indonesia held Paramore nite tonight, and the enthusiastic is so ON!! Please come to Indonesia :)
@ronaldcarlosm: At Paramore nite, gini aja dh seneng bgd, gmna kalau om @AdrieSubono dtengin.. Behh, ga bisa d gambarkan dgn kata2 dh kek gmna..
@Valdyisme: Paramore nite was totally epic!!! One of the best crowd ever of @TFOSband !!! @paramorenite \m/
Rosstrian: Ssst rahasia sesama parawhore :p RT @ParaIndoMore: Yang kemaren dateng ke @ParamoreNite pastinya tau dong big announcementnya xD
thaliadeannisa: semalem abis nonton #paramorenite badan gue sakit + kaki gue pegel!hahaa tapi gpp kok acaranya KEWL ABEEESS!!!!!!
@FebeVionary: me either!! :D || @ParaIndoMore Had a great time yesterday at @ParamoreNite! @paramoreINA ;)
@Springfield_SF: Thx a lot for all of u,really great @ParamoreNite thx @paramoreINA @ferdianalinda @gepenk_boy and also thx Springer's :)
ParamoreNite: Coba search #ParamoreNite - dan kalian bs membaca byk testimoni ttg acara semalam. Jgn coba2 baca buat yg ga dateng!! Pasti nyesel! :p
@FentyaaMoreMars: #ParamoreNite was a tribute event for Paramore, 7 hours of Paramore songs brought by other fantastic bands. live!
@FentyaaMoreMars: just got home! exhausted yet stoked! #ParamoreNite was awesome! couldnt stop jumping, my camera almost fell off! gonna upload the pics soon!
@Tiannaology: was head-bangin' last nite w/ @FebeVionary @tikkhaviro @hananii @metrickka .#paramorenite rooocks our world!!follow @buckupshow jangan lupa!
@bluesboystrokes: @paramoreINA @ParamoreNite great! love it! thnx for the golden information at the end!
@destaverani: That was a very good news I heard back in @paramorenite :p
@anastantalize: Thanks for @ParamoreNite its a good show!!!!!!
@RanggaPranendra: Thank God I came to #ParamoreNite, it was awesome! Great job @ParamoreINA. See you again in the real Paramore concert. Woo-hoo!
beninggg: sadis acara nya :D ga nyesel dari depok :D RT @paramoreINA RT @ParamoreNite: Setelah kita hitung2 lg, tiket #ParamoreNite SOLD OUT!!!
@ren_v: Sampe skrg nih kepala badan smuanya masi terngiang2 pngen goyang efek @ParamoreNite !! Big thanks to @paramoreINA and @buckupshow !!
@SndyCstr: banyak yg terkesan dgn perform @SoniaEryka n band smlm di @paramorenite . good perform sist. ayooo dukung jadii opening band nanti..
@SofanGL: @ParamoreNite mantap thanks keren cdc nya hahaha
@nasafira: @ParamoreNite @paramoreINA thanks buat malem ini!!! Mantap!!! This is one of my best days! :)))
@HeyMondayIndo: Had a great night w/ @paramoreINA @ParamoreNite you guys awesome! ;D
@ghanialbar: Selamat kpd @paramorina yg sudah sukses menggelar @ParamoreNite ... Selamat jg impiannya bntr lg tercapai :D
@Arzetto: @ParamoreNite kata yg gw pengen bilang!!! PUASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! X0X0
@goforbobs: Amazing night @ParamoreNite.nice the show to night and thanks for @paramoreINA @paramorefans and the TEAM
@Valdyisme: Tonite gig was incredibly awesome... Insane crowd!! Thanks @ParamoreNite for bring the coolness and great 'news' ;D
@SamuelMuliawan" Please stop tweeting bout ParamoreNite...because every tweet just makes me getting envy and envy and envy..
@maariio7: @ParamoreNite GOKILLLLLL..
@dhydhihexa: Thx @ParamoreNite & @paramoreINA ., u rock me Tonite..
@tommyekaputra: Alhamdulillah hari ini semua senang kami pun tenang. Sekali lagi terima kasih @paramoreINA atas @ParamoreNite. Awesome!! :)
@reza_roo: @Audrio Paramorenite cdc gockil!! Saingan yeh sama vocalnya sindycate io!! Haha speechless :p
@Andryyododd: Waahhh serruu serruu!! (Y)RT"@ParamoreNite: So, gimana guys komen kalian ttg #ParamoreNite ?? :D"
@FentyaaMoreMars: HUGE SUCCESS! we had a friggin great time! #ParamoreNite thanks to @ParamoreNite
@venniedj: Suaraa serek tereak2 di @ParamoreNite mantap laah!
@elsa_sknybtch9: 2 thumbs up for all bands in @ParamoreNite, as for @buckupshow please make our dream come true :)
@aldian_irfan RT @ADTRindonesia: Cemetery Dance Club is done, good perform, nice featuring guys. @CDCJKT #paramorenite
@yeahforaqha: Cemetery Dance Club killed it! @ParamoreNite
@Rosstrian: @ParamoreNite was GREAT! Big applause for @SYNDICATE__'s vocalist @SoniaEryka! Lovely
@ryannpratamaa: @ayimahardhika @SYNDICATE__ kereeeen di #paramornite hehe
@ParamoreNite: @SYNDICATE__ menutup #ParamoreNite dgn lagu Ignorance ! Waaaaaaa pecaaaaahhh!!! You're awesome Parawhores!!!!!!
@FerryOfficial26 #nowplaying Ignorance by @paramore. Jadi ingt @SYNDICATE__ tadi malam di @ParamoreNite
@CDCJKT ama @SYNDICATE__ gokils abis di @ParamoreNite , apalagi @SoniaEryka nya XD
@amelstrange: Wew @syndicate_ tampil sangat sangar di @paramorenite, ane bantuin rate dan cendol ya, gan!
@MatthewKzero: Super night ! @ParamoreNite !!!! Kereeeen :D !
@Sarramrz: @ParamoreNite AWWEERRSOME!!
@RRASZTAtoARMS: KEREN PARAH RT @paramoreINA: RT @ParamoreNite: So, gimana guys komen kalian ttg #ParamoreNite ?? :D
@buckupshow: Amazing nite di @ParamoreNite by @paramoreINA tengkyu buat @paramoreINA.... Selamat eventnya pecaaahh...
@harrissramadhan: Nyeseeeel banget yang ga dateng #ParamoreNite @paramoreINA!
@olliesfake: Over all, @ParamoreNite succeed rock my day tonight. What a great tribute show. Satisfied over the top.
@FentyaaMoreMars BEST NIGHT EVOOORRRR!!! #ParamoreNite
@thaliadeannisa: ParamoreNITE was so awesome! it is "THE BEST NIGHT EVER" :D we are paramore!!!!!!!!!
@Panjy_Pitung: @ParamoreNite EDAAAAANNNNN...!!! Puas smp ke ubun2 sama acaraNya tadi..!! Thanks buat @paramoreINA.. WHOAAAA...!!!
Tiannaology: @ParamoreNite FREAKIN' ROCKS MA WOOOORLD!!!! yang nggak dateng NYESEL BANGET SUMPAH.

Last night was absolutely an exclusive party for Parawhores! Well done all ParamoreINA's crews! kak Linda, Randy, mas Rangga, kak Chacha, Fercabella, Kari, Ridwan, Rizka, and all who supported the event, the hard work has finally paid off! :)
Thanks to all Parawhores! and all of you who came all along from Bandung & other cities for Paramore Nite! Big thanks to all ppl & fanbases who promoted this event, thanks 7Eleven, dapurletter, The Rock Kemang, and Buck-Up Show.
And of course, BIG THANKS TO TWITTER! :D this all started from Twitter 2 years ago & creating connection of Indonesian Parawhores, and this finally happened now :) follow @ParamoreINA and @ParamoreNite, and their tumblr!
Thanks De Facto, Soulmind, Wi.Ai.Di, Percy, Fifth of September, NV, Yume, Springfield, Several Bad Puns Later, Mosca & Cemetery Dance Club, you all rockss!
And thanks for watching my band @SYNDICATE__ at the end of the headbang party! Parawhore RULES.

PS. Too bad I could only record the first 2 songs of Paramore covers me & my band played on ParamoreNite, I would be soooo glad if any of you have the recordings of last night's party. :_(