What I've Been Up To...(other than organizing, voting and all the usual Hoo Haa)

I am so proud of my blogging buddies who have decided to take my "Organization Challenge."

It takes guts to show the world what a slob you are!!  But hey, we're all in this together.  YAY US!
I'm going to show you what I've been working on late into the night, while I should be on the computer commenting on all your wonderful blogs.

This, my friends, is what I've been doing.

You guessed it, I've been in my sweatshop sewing belts.  Big belts, little belts, belts of every shape and size.  Why, you ask?  Well....in a fit of A.D.D.  I decided to make ribbon belts a la Hadley Pollet for friends and family.  As gifts.  One of my friends who has far more faith in me than I do decided I should sell these suckers and she signed me up for our "PTO Vendor Nite" this Monday.  The pressure is on folks.  

Making something on a whim and giving it out is one thing.  Actually laying them on a table and standing there while discerning shoppers eye up my handicrafts is quite another.  

Soooo I've been slaving away, sewing, making little labels for my gift bags, figuring out pricing. The works.  

Come Monday night I'll see if all my hard work brings in a profit, or if for the next five years I'll be giving belts out as gifts for every occasion.  

I hope my mailman likes to accessorize!!!