Weekend happenings
I went to a craft sale with Terrell, and then on to Michaels and hold your hats, I didn't buy anything. I didn't find anything I wanted or needed. And no, I'm not sick.
We had dinner at my parents last night and got all caught up with the F family from Thursday's shoot.
We've, and I use that term lightly, gotten a bunch of Christmas shopping under our belts.
My can-dented foot is causing me pain. I wish I didn't have to work today, I'd like to sit around, get caught up on Y&R and put my foot up.
I mailed my Christmas cards on Thursday, some people got them on Friday, I mailed them TOO early, what was I thinking?
I never said I was perfect
I also believe communication is a big thing, you have a problem with me, tell me. Deal with me.
If you don't agree with this, or you think it's aimed at you, remove me from your blog list, don't come here any more. Maybe while you're at it, remove MY pictures from your blog.
Little D

American Thanksgiving
Today, on U.S. Thanksgiving, I got a little heavy box full of goodies, Subaru, scrapbooking, dog themed and chocolate. Hershey's kisses, the kinds we Canadians can't get. Specifically Candy Corn, which I thought was pretty darn good, and Candy Cane, which is good too, but the best darn things are the Pumpkin Spice kisses. 3 bags of them. Which is darn good because I could eat one of them myself and no one would be the wiser, I'd have a stomach ache but what else is new?
Anyway, I want to wish my American friends a very safe and happy Thanksgiving. And to Amy, David and Trevor-Two-Thumbs-Up a very big "I'm so thankful I have the Internet and it led me to friends like you!"
This is totally mushy, must be the endorphins brought on by the wicked box of chocolate!
Thank you!!!
Vive la nourriture!
How a few little words can brighten your day!
Last night he told me that the guy on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon had changed his name to Ochocinco and that the guy, Chad, was number 85. And I said "What does his jersey number have to do with anything?" and he's like "Don't you get it? Isn't it stupid?" and I still didn't get it. So I said "Tell me again what it is you are trying to say?" And that's when he said "Ochocinco is like Spanish for 85!"
Today, he sends me a cryptic email one that says he'll be shopping for bike parts on Dec. 15th instead of in the Spring. To which my usual sunny self replied "Says WHO?" and then I hit the send button, that's when the mental link we married people seem to acquire at "I now pronounce you man and wife" kicked in and I got it, maybe bike parts go on sale!
Ya, they don't and let's just say he can get his bike parts and I'll pay off my camera and lens.

My friend, Nancy, gave me a make-your-own-photo-coaster kit a few years ago and I was always too afraid to try it, but then Marg said she was making some stamped coasters and it prompted me to get my kit out. I headed off to Office Depot to get the images colour copied. And it worked! The kit came with 4 tiles, and more than enough of the other supplies to do at least 4 more tiles. I see many photo coasters in my future.
Something for everyone...AKA "The Look for Less"

First off, Preppy Player directed my attention to this J. Crew Long Boyfriend Blazer and the minute I saw it, I loved it. At $215 I thought I'd wait until Christmas and get it as a gift. (Although J. Crew is having a 20% off sale this weekend, so you can get it for $175.)
But then, I saw this...

Then I saw NieNie wearing it on The Today Show and I had to have it. I went into Anthropologie and tried on the latest version in this cream color. Bummer. It looked stupid on me. Some people remove a couple of stones from the ends and they say that can make a difference. You might try that.
What I did find was
It was so hard to decide, but since I could only get one, I went with the slate. It was on sale for $28, on-line it's still $48, so I guess I got lucky!!
I might go back for the berry in a few weeks.
In return, I hope you will let me in on any of your latest fashion finds.
We fashionistas need to look out for eachother! (Yeah, that's right, I called myself a fashionista...you got a problem with that?)
Not a very good AV quality, better watch it on Paramore's official web :)
Komen gue setelah nonton vklipnya??? Yep I've seen Hayley with her new blond hair without makeup :/ tapi di foto itu ternyata beda sama di clip ini :) Her blond wavy hair looks so lovely! Entah ini menurut gue aja ato kalian juga berpikiran gitu, tapi Hayley di clip ini sekilas mirip-mirip Taylor Swift dan Taylor Momsen (yeah, both blond Taylor, haha) :/ Trus kadang juga terlihat mirip sama AnaSophia Robb. Di sini jelas cantikan Hayley :] She looks cool with her blond hair, tapi gue kangen liat rambut merahnya yang superrrrkereennnnabiisssss ;( Malahan rambut merahnya itu 'Paramore' banget.
Selain itu, video ini dipenuhi effect2 fairytale yang magical tapi agak-agak weird dan quirky, sesuai dengan lagunya. Somehow it reminds me of Tim Burton's Alice in the Wonderland, even I haven't watch that! The little girl's cute. Hayley's cool and lovely. BUT WHERE'S THE GUUUYYYSSS?????? Hayley keliatan seperti penyanyi solo, dan gue menunggu adegan all the guys rockin out with her, seperti di semua clip sebelumnya.
Dari awal gue agak mikir, mentang-mentang lirik reffnya 'Go get your shovel, and we'll dig a deep hole, to bury the castle, bury the castle' (ya, gue udah afal mati nih lagu, hahahah), tapi ga harus juga si orang ini gali kuburan di depan Hayley dari awal lagu sampe akhir -___-" ....... and soon I realized that it was Josh! Oh Josh, sayang sekali di clip ini gue ga bisa melihat dirimu yang keren abis megang gitar, bukan megang sekop buat nyerok tanah kuburan :( But you still look cute, anyway :)
Dan yang lain? kalo liat clip ini sekali mungkin lo ga akan menyadarinya dan cuma bisa nebak-nebak, but yeps, Jeremy is the 'prince --or knight with shining armour' on 1:40, quite easy to recognize him :)
Zac jadi something-fury yang merayu-rayu si anak cewe itu, di 1:48, maybe. I'm not sure because on the 'making of Brick By Boring Brick clip', he wore some kinda burglar costume :/
Dannnn....... Taylor ke mana? dia di 1:55. Tapi yang manaaa?? tetep gak keliatan. Believe it or not, he's the green garden gnome -________-" Udah bentar, gak jelas pula. Oh, nasib personil baru hahahah ;D
Trus maksud dari lagu dan video klip aneh ini apaan? Lagunya Paramore kebanyakan gak terlalu jelas artinya dan ber-ambigu. Menurut gue tadinya, ini mirip Misery Business, Hayley ngomongin tentang seorang cewek tricky dan sombong yang hidup di dunianya sendiri. Tapi ternyata di video clipnya, banyak yang menyimpulkan kalo ini tentang seorang cewe naif yang hidup dalam dunia fairytale-nya sendiri dan akhirnya dia kecewa karena kenyataannya nggak seperti fairytale dan mengubur semuanya.
Ada juga yang menyimpulkan, the little girl is Hayley and that is her childhood (makanya mungkin sengaja dibikin mirip) but she soon finds out that the fairytales are lies (wich she finds out in the mirror room) and the castle turns evil so she starts running and falls into the hole. Then Hayley (now) looks at the doll then throws it in the whole and Josh starts burying it which is their metaphor for burying your childhood it was not abuse, it was to teach you a lesson. Semua orang nangkepnya beda-beda, but it's a great clip from Paramore, though :)
My December Daily

I will add embellishments and days of the month as I add photos. I will also add the year to the cover. I have to tell you, this was much easier than I thought it would be. I started yesterday mid-day, worked on it a few hours and then a few more this morning. I pulled everything from my stash that I wanted to add to it, trying to keep with the colour scheme of the Fa La La Making Memories paper I bought in the summer. By the time it is full, I will have to replace the binder rings with larger ones.
You knew I had to do it!!
So, without further ado, here are some things I'm thankful for, some profound, and some shallow as can be!!
1. My beautiful daughters who I love more than words can ever express.
4. Tennis. Thank goodness I got back into it 6 years ago. I love everything about it, and if I come back in another life I want to be a child who picks up a racket at the age of 2 and trains non stop at the Bollettieri Tennis Academy. Don't tell me that it's not good for kids. It's my reincarnation and that's what I want!!!
5. My blog friends. I love that I have so many people who I can turn to make me laugh, give me fashion advice, debate politics with and who give me a peek into their lives each and every day. Isn't it amazing that people from so many different backgrounds and parts of the world can get together everyday for a little visit? So much fun.
6. The last things I'll mention are some goodies that I can't live without:, my "Mother's Little Helpers," Diet Coke, the Keurig coffee maker and my friend Kate's amazing peanut brittle. Each one is such a pick me up for me, when I need a boost and they're all legal.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
Catch you on Monday.
Technology Wars Update
The Parents 2
Laura 2
I probably qualify for a horrible child, but this is all in the spirit of good fun and benign schadenfreude.
Hello, World

I never would have imagines our little project would end up being accessed all across the world.
Thank you to all the recent commenters and all our readers; much love to you all!
Longer weekends, please.
I had my Christmas Cocoa Card Tote class and it went great. I love this littel tote with it's cute cards. Good thing I made two.
Next Sunday is the Christmas Jingle Trifold album class. It's easier than it looks and makes a great gift. It's also easy to duplicate so you can make more. I will be making a few of them. I'm offering a choice of Christmas or Baby theme.
I can't decide if I want to even start a Daily December album. The idea is that you make your album out of pretty much anything, it's very eclectic. I have so much stuff that it really shouldn't cost me anything because I could pull stuff out of my stash. And then you are supposed to photograph and journal your month of December. This is from shopevalicious.com.
This is Ali Edwards' album.
I love the hodge podge feel of the albums, I love the documenting. I don't know if I will love the work. I can take pictures every day, I know I can do that, but of what? 30 days of Linus and Sally will get pretty boring. Maybe I should make mine a Weekly December album or Every Other Day in December.
I also want to make an advent calendar. So many things, so little time! By the way, where did the year go?
Hmm, yaps, audio-video qualitynya memang kurang bagus, soalnya waktu itu direkam pake handycam seadanya, en yang ngerekam mungkin sambil joget2 juga waktu itu jadi rekamannya ikutan goyang-goyang begini, haha. But I'm happy to read all your comments in my twitter, thanks for all the constructive comments :)
Sonia Eryka Moe
A good reason


Growing Up and Hating It....

My daughter and the girls in her 5th grade class were paraded to the nurse's office on Tuesday for "The Talk."
You know what I'm talking about. Anyone who went to public school remembers the moment in 5th or 6th grade, when the boys got sent to the gym and the girl's headed to the nurse and they all learned "the facts of life."
The boys were educated about wet dreams and the girls learn about breast buds and periods.
When I was a youngster we received the book "Growing Up and Liking It." See the cover above? That is the EXACT cover of the book I had. My friends and I used to pull it out every once in awhile for laughs.
Someday I'll tell you some of my goofy adolescent stories. We were very inappropriate.
We also got a sample belt and pad the size of a Sealy Posturepedic mattress. They came in a little blue box. Freaky.
Anyway, my daughter's nurse added a little twist to the period talk that I never experienced.
A tampon demonstration.
Before you scream, or call protective services, she didn't actually show them how a tampon REALLY works. What she did do, unknowingly, is to cement in the girls' minds that they want to use pads. FOREVER.
She took out a tampon, removed in from the applicator, stuck it under running water and showed the girls how it E-X-P-A-N-D-S and absorbs moisture.
They were informed that if they laughed or snickered they would be ejected from the demonstration.
Wow. What a challenge that must have been.
The minute my daughter got into my minivan after school, she informed me that she is AFRAID of getting her period. I guess the vision of a tampon the size of a cow's

Great job Nursey.
In a couple of years it will be time for the birth control talk.
Maybe she can show them a video of a woman experiencing natural childbirth. Or better yet, maybe she can attach a condom to the faucet to show them how much liquid THAT holds.
And they better not laugh.
Tampons, condoms and wet sheets are serious business.
And don't you forget it.
Hokitika, Christchurch and home

Totally missed updating at Hokitika. It rained pretty much the whole
time. No riding the day of the hike—dicky ankle and 6hours of car trip
makes me quiet and morose.
The next day we poked around the quaint
little seaside town, which somehow survives on selling stereotypical
jade necklaces to willing old ladies piled into a tourbus equipped
with a long-socked tour guide and the avoid-at-all-costs loo at the
back of the smelly greyhound.
We did see some kiwis and Aidoo fed giant eels at the national kiwi
centre in the town, I love keewees!
Anyway, we went for a little ride to the Hokitika mtb park—it was
boggy and horrible and I was riding like a pancake without butter or maple syrup.
Anyway, next day was the awesome drive through arthurs pass to
Christchurch. Freezing cold, though
Anyhoo, after what seemed like a whole day, we arrived to our crappy
ex-hostel apartment in the 'church. Space cadet after car time, we
didn't ride but scoped out town, followed by a few beers and sushi!
Today we rode for four hours up and along the porthill trail network.
Aaaaaaweso e fun! Rocky, sometimes technical but always fun. A hoot! I
want to live in the 'church.
We had coffee, bagels and muffins. Mmmmmm....
Then I chopped all my hairoff. An awesome meal with my husband leaves
me with only one day left over the ditch :(
More porthills tomorrow!

Hiking hubbard
Today was a sex hour drive to Hokitika. It rained the whole way and I
felt carsick around the windy windy 'main' road up the west coast.
All was not lost though, as we hiked up to Roys peak-1650m in
altitude. Well, we got about 200m from the topamd my cavernous
blisters popped, leaving me with some major pain and so we hiked down.
Man, you should see these blisters-they're the size of fufty cent piece!
So... Gleefully we ran down the hill, and all of a sudden SNAP! Argh!
I rolled my ankle like a hiking hubbard (that I am) and am screaming
on th side of a mountain. About 5km from the bottom! No choice but to
hobble down, knowing that I have yet again torn my ankle ligaments.
This is so uncool! Same ankle And everything. Oh well, ankles aren't
required for 6 hour car trips-are they?
Mountain goating


Today we rode up a big fuckoff mountain. Approx 1200m of vertical
climbing in the first hour and a half, on rutted, grassy, rocky goat
track. Needless to say we weren't moving very fast.
We rode to 1100 m above sea level and then hike a biked to 1400m. The
view was astounding! The DEscent was a brake burner. Probably about
20m or so of pure, goat track descent.
Then we encountredYFFGV some cows. I FUCKING hate cows, and was
totally unimpressed.
Anyway, we cruised home with a detour to the cafe, got changed and
went to puzzling world, such is largely unumpressive and gave me
vertigo. Damn puzzles. We got stuck in a shit maze- didni mention I
was unimpressed at this stage?
Anyway, at least we got to take som funny pictures with the tower of
We then drove to Motatapu gorge-truly awesome, photos don't do it
Where to next ? You may ask- to the speights ale house for a pale ale
and a bug fuckoff pot of mussels, ooh yeah. Mum would be so proud.

Today we left the magical village of queenstown, in search of more
sweet trails and good coffee in the little town of Wanaka.
On the way though we stopped at the historic Arrowtown, which is cute
to the enth degree. I could live in Arrowtown, despite the fact that
it is another nz town surviving on the salenof stuffed sheep and ugh
Anyway, somehow wanaka reminds me of, like amity from the movie Jaws.
I am not sure why, considering the water is a big lake, which is
surrounded by snow capped mountains. But anyway...
We rode the sticky forest this afternoon for 2 1/2 hours, a very small
mtb park carved into a pine forest. Makes it a soft landing if you
come off. It's a weird sandy, soft dirt there-drift a Rama. We rode
some of the black diamond runs- some were just really steep with ruts,
others had avoidable gap jumps, and others had a scary north shore
section with 8 foot drops—yikes!!
But on the whole, pretty fun. Lots of whooping great fun berms, like
Also discovered GIANT licorice allsorts at New World today...mmm

Damn the burrito
Today is the 11th of the 11th. Crazy.
Aiden seems to be suffering the after effects of a dodgy burrito or
something. He's not a very happy camper so far today.
We have grand plans to check out the sweet looking trails that are
carved into the side of the gondola mountain...
Which, I just found out, is a decent half hour climb probably
17percent for four k. Seriously, I wad fourth from granny-standing you
get no traction so there's no option but to sit and grind it out.
Anyway, so we get to the top where the skyline gondola is. It looks so
very far away when you're in town. And it is. Great view.
Aidens note: Anna does complete ride with different lens in each side
of her glasses. She realises when I tell her at the caff.