Book Review: Flair
Black Dog Mini Album
I used an assortment of papers that I thought the lender might like.
And I kept it simple so she could add her own touches to the album.
I think she'll like it. If not, I'll keep it.
And I made this fleur-de-lis frame. I'm looking for the perfect picture and I have one in mind. I just have to print it, when I get it all done, I will share it again. And then you will think I'm more crazy than I you already think I am.
I made a few mini purse. A girl can never have to many small bags.
This one has a handle out of black twill but it didn't want it's picture taken. I'm using paper from the box of goodies I bought off Andrea.
is self indulgence the answer???

In order for a person to make the most out of their lives they must be happy. There is an expression “G-d does not dwell but only where there is Joy”. You want the power of G-d, the power of your own soul to burst it’s brilliance in your life? You need joy and happiness. One of the reasons for music in the
Depression is a negative harmful energy G-d created within, to test and strengthen us. Its’ force like all the negative forces within is mainly form and no substance. For the most part, a person who grew up and is surrounded by people with a faulty perspective to life will have caught the influence of this negative energy. The first step is to recognize the characteristic of this destructive energy.
Let’s take the root of depression, arrogance and a selfish, self absorbed person. Our society is all about what can I; get out of … whatever it may be. What’s in it for me and how will it serve me. This has its’ extremes, but even on a low key level let us consider the ramifications of this attitude.
This person believes he DESERVES to be happy and friends and family owe it to him. Everything is going in one direction and that is towards himself to serve him. Besides the fact that he is in for a big bad surprise and everyone in the world doesn’t “owe him”, this is a good prescription to become very lonely in life.
Because he is so self absorbed he thinks of himself and not others and the fact is, if you don’t serve others no one will serve you. Expecting always to be served will leave the person totally disappointed and disillusioned. Depressed - dejected and disheartened.
This person thinks life should be perfect, because he is perfect – arrogance, - which can lead to acute compulsive disorders, anxiety when subconsciously he faces the realization that he may err, and fear and doubt that he may not live up to the picture he has created of himself in his mind.
All this is a figment of the person’s imagination and not rooted in reality. The worst part of it all is that this faulty attitude perpetuates itself. Once we have trained our mind to see something in a certain way we seem to find more and more tidbits of information that support our faulty conclusions.
Being depressed is being a victim to the unbridled animalistic emotions within, which is self centered.
The solution – be happy. Not from another beer or more jewelry. Happiness comes when a person is internally fulfilled. The soul – the G-dly spark within needs an outlet, a channel to express itself. The G-dly spark within wants to create good and spiritual worthwhile endeavors like G-d did when he created the world. The G-dly spark wants to be able to think like G-d and not be inhibited by the coarse pleasures of the body.
When a person begins to align their bodily lives with the unique G-dly purpose we where put in this world to accomplish, happiness and joy starts flowing. Blessings and strength starts finding their way in to this person’s life.

you'll found this marvelous temple at Magelang, not too far from Jogja.
It's like a HUGE puzzle of kallizion super artsy relief stones!
Oh, last thing, I got this vintage carving leather pouch at Borobudur, yeay ♥ :D

...visit Indonesia. :)
These are a few of my favorite things
Cute things
It was Dave's birthday and M-R is a vegetarian. So we thought it would be nice to get him a gift card for Johnny's Meats. I brainstormed and made this gift card holder for him.
And on the way to their house, we saw this. A million crows/ravens flying over. We weren't the only ones standing on the sidewalk taking pictures. It was eery.
We are trying to decide what to dress up as when we go to Mickey's Halloween Bash. Providing Amy gets the tickets, I'm not sure if there's a huge run on them. Any ideas?
Emily has already nixed...
- Flintstones
- Addams family
- Mad Hatter, White Rabbit
- anything frou frou
We can't have our faces covered, we don't want hot costumes, we must be able to go on rides or move in them.
Goat Track CLOSED: 7.30am–1pm. Epic fail. It was even manned, so I couldn't sneakily slip past up the gravelly road climb. Dammit!
What to do, what to do...the only answer was to go back down, turn left en route to Glorius, and chew your bars at 15% for two km. Brutal. Needless to say the road down through Neebs was a slow and painful one. But that's why we do it, isn't it?
PVR update
Did I mention 'we' opted to put it on my craft room tv because I'm the one that misses or even cares that I missed a show? Did I tell you I set it up by myself and only had to call Shaw once? Did I tell you they shut off the cable to the other box and we had to phone them 3 times that day?
Did I tell you we get the box for free for a year?
And I know I didn't tell you that Sunday Kerry checked to see what had recorded. And he was surprised to see Saturday Night Live was listed. He asked me if I'd done that, and thought I was pretty smart to think of recording it, we always fall asleep watching it. And when I said no, he thought the machine had thought to record it. After my little laughing fit, I told him that he did it, he must have been so tired the night before that he didn't remember going downstairs to do it.
Here he is at the St. Teresa's Church Fall Bazaar. Emily begged him to go on the tractor ride with her. He negotiated a ride at Space Mountain out of her. We might get that in writing!
I've booked the hotel for our trip. It's a bit sad that Shaun isn't going. I feel mostly for Emily as those two do so much together and she might be lonely hanging out with her parents. But other than that, we are mostly excited. We have so many lists!
A Minty-Fresh Pick Me Up!!!

Okay, so you loved the MAC "Shroom" eyeshadow, now I'm going to let you in on another product that I adore that combines two of my favorite things, fresh breath and caffeine...
These little suckers rock!! As you know, I love the burst of energy I get from my coffee and Diet Coke, the drawbacks of these two little addictions are, frequent trips to the ladies room, brown teeth, aspartame and coffee breath. YUK.
FOOSH® Energy Mints are sugarfree, fat-free and made with premium peppermint to give you amazingly fresh breath while energizing your life! More than that, each energy mint in every tin or blister pack of FOOSH® is like having a cup of coffee ready to go in your pocket!
Get Fooshed Today!
Imagine, smelling minty fresh while you whiz through your day full of vim and vigor.
FOOSH Mints. Truly a dream come true.
(The people over at FOOSH asked if I would be their celebrity spokesperson, but I politely declined. As you know, I'm too busy with tennis, Facebook and reading The National Enquirer to hold down such a demanding job...if any of you are interested in the gig, let me know and I'll pass the word onto the folks at Vroom Foods, Inc.)
Village Roadshow
Check out their Spring photoshoot, even much cooler. :)
*anyway, the cows on the first picture cracked me out.*